I teach classes on early modern philosophy, late 19th/early 20th century philosophy (especially British Idealism), continental philosophy (especially German and French phenomenology), philosophy of art, philosophical theology, and Jewish philosophy.
Some of my past undergraduate courses:
God, Self and World (a thematic introduction to the history of metaphysics)
Nature and the Good
Philosophy of the Arts
Origins of 20th Century Philosophy: Phenomenology, Pragmatism, Idealism
Kant: The Critique of Pure Reason
Introduction to Jewish Thought (interdisciplinary, co-taught)
Moses to Modernity: Introduction to Jewish Philosophy
Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
Topics in Ancient Philosophy: Metaphysics
Topics in Continental Philosophy: Heidegger's Being and Time
Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy
Topics in Modern Philosophy: Causality
Topics in Modern Philosophy: Idealism and Panpsychism
Topics in Early Modern Philosophy: Leibniz
Topics in Early Modern Philosophy: The Rise and Fall of Metaphysics
Topics in Early Modern Philosophy: Mind
Some of my past graduate courses:
The Principle of Sufficient Reason
Being and Nothing
The Metaphysics of Leibniz and Spinoza (co-taught)
Mind and Intellect, Past and Present (co-taught)
Early Modern Women Philosophers
Spinoza on Mind
Mind, Action, Emotion: Then and Now (co-taught)
Spinoza's Philosophy
The Early Spinoza
I'm also very proud of this guy!